Connecting Real Estate with Tech & E-mobility

Javier Gutierrez
Business Unit Manager

Why did Capacity became a member of Brain Buildings?

On behalf of Cegeka, a leading European technology provider, the Capacity Platform is very proud to join Brain Buildings, a collective dedicated to the adoption and advancement of the best smart buildings technologies in real estate. Working closely with the Brain Building’s community, we are poised to enhance the synergy between intelligent infrastructure and seamless user experience in the rapidly evolving landscape of Smart Cities and PropTech. The Capacity electromobility platform, known for optimizing parking space and EV charging usage, creating new revenue streams and providing seamless experiences, aligns perfectly with Brain Buildings’ mission to create smarter, more sustainable, and efficient built environments. This partnership underscores Cegeka’s commitment to driving the future of intelligent urban planning, where technology not only connects spaces but also transforms how we interact with them.

I believe we will see a shift in real estate from a purely transactional market to one where data, connectivity, and user experience will be the key value drivers."

Javier Gutierrez

What is your personal opinion/Capacity's opinion about the evolution of the market?

The real estate market is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the rise of smart technologies and the increasing demand for flexible, sustainable, user-centric spaces. As we move towards a future where buildings are not just physical structures but interconnected ecosystems, platforms like Capacity are becoming critical. These innovations allow for better space and energy management, enhanced user experience, and improved comfort for occupants. The Brain Buildings club stands at the forefront of this evolution, fostering collaboration and innovation among leaders in smart building technology. In this context, Capacity’s decision to join forces with Brain Buildings is not just strategic but necessary, as it positions our company to be a significant player in shaping the future of Belgian real estate and urban living.

Contacteer Javier Gutierrez voor meer informatie: LinkedIn

Het Capacity platform is het slimme platform voor parkings en elektrisch laden in complexe bedrijfsomgevingen van Cegeka. Het vereenvoudigt uw parkeerbeheer dankzij intelligente software die uw inkomstenstromen maximaliseert n de operationele kosten verlaagt.

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