Capacity by Cegeka
Capacity by Cegeka is an electromobility platform built to autonomously operate and efficiently manage all types of complex B2B environments, such as multitenant office buildings, hotels, mixed-use urban retail and campuses. Having an ecosystem of integrated smart services that goes beyond traditional parking, Capacity simplifies parking experience and addresses the challenges that property owners and facility managers are experiencing nowadays:
- Generate additional revenue streams from the efficient and mixed use space at different times if the day and week;
- Optimize, manage and redistribute space flexibly across tenants and users, including parking and EV charging spots;
- Have smart technology autonomously manage your parking locations, adapting to all types of users and corner case scenarios;
- Provide seamless, end-to-end, digital journeys and payment solutions;
- Have parking and EV charging operate as one, coordinating the move of cars or energy, allowing long-term reservations and opening chargers for semi-public commercial use;
- Interconnect parking with other systems, such as BMS, IWMS, 3rd Party Resellers, Access Management systems, Fleet management systems, MaaS apps and more.
Capacity provides a complete solution for properties that want to leap ahead into the world of Smart Buildings and Electromobility.
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